Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Audited financial statements

An audited financial statement is one that is prepared by a certified public accountant and certified by that accountant that it has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

It is typically needed when a state or the FHA requires a minimum net worth in order to get and keep a license. Accountants who are willing to prepare audited financials are getting scarce and they are not cheap. I've heard of start-up companies being charged $5,000 and existing companies being charged twice that amount.

Why so expensive? Accountants can be sued when the company for whom they prepared audited financials lose a lot of money or go out of business, leaving unhappy investors and creditors. To compensate accountants for the risk of a lawsuit, many charge very high fees. Some accountants feel they don't want the risk and will not prepare audited financial statements at all.

I have been asked what to do if a mortgage company cannot find an accountant who will prepare an audited financial statement. My recommendation is to ask your family and friends, every accountant that you know, and every accountant all of those accountants know. Your accountant does not have to be local. One client of mine has his accountant in New Jersey, even though he is located in Maryland. Another client is located in Colorado, his accountant is in Florida. So, if your brother, best friend, or wife's cousin has a great accountant in another state, find out if that accountant does audited financials or knows of an accountant that does. In addition to finding an accountant that you can work with, you might find that he/she charges less than your local accountant does. Go with someone who is recommended and who you feel comfortable with. You will be working with that someone for many years.

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