Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Staying Alive

Much of the advice that I am seeing in the different publications for mortgage professionals pertains to marketing. After all, without clients, you have no income and will soon be contemplating your next career. But, there is probably nothing more frustrating than getting a loan application in (finally!) and not having a loan program to match it with. During these slow times, you should be doing as much marketing as you can afford but you should also be thinking about the other end of the application process. You must have relationships with lenders with different types of loan programs that you can utilize for your borrowers. Now is a good time to find those programs.

Having new products to offer borrowers means that you will rarely have to turn away business. There are a lot of adjustable mortgages out there that need refinancing. You can get that business if you have loan programs that are more stable for borrowers than the exotic mortgages that were in vogue a few years ago. Borrowers like to know what their expenses will be for the foreseeable future so if you can find a lender with a program that meets this particular need, you’ve got a valuable tool for marketing to a certain segment of the buying/refinance population. Also, if you can find lenders who have programs for borrowers with no documentation or lower FICO scores, that’s another weapon in your marketing arsenal. And make sure you let all of your existing, former and potential clients and referral sources know that you have many ways to get a loan application to closing.

If you are a wholesale lender with innovative programs, make sure you get the word out to mortgage brokers that you can help them close their loans. That is a win-win situation for the lender, the mortgage broker and the borrower.

The days of thinking that a new loan application equals income are gone. You need to use different ways of thinking and marketing to keep yourself in business.

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